I’ve been on vacation the last couple of weeks, but I’m finally back in the studio now. No pictures yet, but I wanted to let everyone know that the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) Reverse Auction of 12″ square art quilts starts today. There are many wonderful works to choose from and you’ll being helping support a great organization that organizes exhibits of art quilts, publishes a portfolio of work from current members once a year and offers much needed support and encouragement to art quilters all over the world, among other activities. I’m proud to be a member of this group.
The auction is held in three sections. On the first day, the price for any work is $750. The price drops at 2 P.M. on the following day to $550, then to $350 on the third day, then $250, $150 and to $75 on the last day. The first section starts today, Sept. 10, the second section starts Sept. 17 and the third section begins Sept. 24. All start times are 2 P.M. EST.
Here’s the link to the first series of quilts http://www.saqa.com/newsebulletins/Squares09_1.aspx
Happy Bidding!