I’ve made some progress on the new piece from my last post–it has a name, and I’m working on adding texture with stitching lines.
The central panel feels like a landscape to me, so I decided to call it “Secret Garden” and I’m adding some stylized flower and leaf images to the central panel with stitching lines.
The red background will have some long curved lines with details of pebble stitching.
I have a looming deadline with a photographer coming this week to shoot work with some of my fellow Great Falls Studios artists, which is good for me, because I always work better under deadline! Must be a holdover from my days as a wire service reporter.
Stay tuned for pictures of the finished piece soon. I expect to have it ready for exhibit at the Downtown Art Festival in Gainesville, FL Oct. 13-14 and the Great Falls Studios Ninth Annual Studio Tour in Great Falls, VA Oct. 20-21.
Also, don’t forget this week my piece is up for bid in the Studio Art Quilt Associates Annual Auction–click here to get there online. There are some other wonderful pieces available in the auction too and it’s a great cause to promote art quilting education and exhibits. My piece is towards the bottom of the page. Remember it’s a reverse auction, so the price drops each day this week at 2 PM.