I’m working on a new piece for the ACC Baltimore Craft Show coming up next month using these “wonky circles” at right. I’m intrigued with the movement of color across the piece and the circles that don’t match at the edges.
I wonder though if it’s too symmetrical? I like the circles being offset in the second row, but maybe some of the pieces should be turned another way so not all of the circles are complete? I may have to try some alternate designs before I sew them together. Please comment if you have any suggestions!
This is the process that really energizes me. I had a simple idea and I made lots of these quarter circle units so I would have choices when putting it together, but I don’t really know what it will look like at this point–sort of like putting together a jigsaw puzzle but without the picture on the box to guide me! The plan is for this to be a fairly large piece with wide borders and lots of interesting stitching lines.
The inspiration for the blog headline is this photo, taken earlier today when I wasn’t sure I was going to get to the design phase anytime soon! I must have cut 100 squares, paired them up, cut the curves and sewed them together, then cut them down to the 3.5″ squares I wanted. That is one nice thing about this method of curved piecing–you don’t have to make the edges even because they get cut down to size later.
Stay tuned! We might get some snow tomorrow so I’ll have no reason not to be in the studio working.
The Baltimore show is February 22-24 and I’ll be in Booth 3505.
Yesterday I took some new pillows and coasters over to The Artisans shop in McLean to
replace those that sold over the holidays. The one on the left is a Rainbow Square pillow, similar to the Rainbow Stripe pillows I’ve done in the past, and the pillow on the right is a Wonky Square made of soft Cherrywood fabrics. The Artisans is a fun gift shop located at 1368 Chain Bridge Road in McLean, VA. Stop by if you’re in the area and see what’s new!