Well, it was a soggy, gloomy weekend at the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival last weekend–no doubt about that! I was so impressed with the numbers of people who braved the weather and came out in raincoats, galoshes and umbrellas to see the show and chat with the artists. Thank you to each and every one of you! It means so much to have that support.

“Playing with Colors” and “Playing with Crayons” out of the box.
On a happier note, two of my favorite quilts came home last week after traveling with an exhibit for almost two years. It was like seeing old friends again!
Both quilts were included in a book, 500 Traditional Quilts, curated by Karey Bresenhan and published by Lark Books in 2014. They were selected to travel with an exhibit related to the book in 2014.
Playing with Crayons, on the bottom in the photo, was displayed at the International Quilt Festivals in Houston and Chicago in 2014. Playing with Colors, top in the photo, was shown at the International Quilt Festival in Houston in 2014, the Texas Quilt Museum in 2015, and the International Quilt Festival in Chicago in 2016. Click on the links above to see the quilts full size in the Portfolio section.
Although I’ve largely moved away from designing my work with patterned fabrics so my stitching will show better, these two quilts are still on my favorites list. I showed “Playing with Colors” at the Reston show last weekend to try and brighten up the gloomy day, and it got quite a few compliments. I’m thinking that I will hang it in the Artists’ Atelier next week in preparation for the ArtsFest on the Green in two weeks–June 3-5, 2016.
Thanks for reading!