Yesterday was a busy day getting set up in Bend for the Art in the High Desert show. The organization of the show is amazing! Everyone had a designated time to arrive, unload and move their vehicles out of the way to make room for others–that’s always the hairy part for me, trying to maneuver around everyone’s cars, trucks and vans without incident during load in and load out.
The tent I had rented was set up and ready to go, earning me some envious glances from other artists who had to struggle to get their tents set up in a fairly high wind that sprung up in the early afternoon. I had my own struggles, though, since the tent sides were very heavy canvas and needed two people to secure!
My friend’s son graciously helped me move my display panels and artwork to the show in his truck, so I wasn’t the one having to maneuver an unfamiliar vehicle!
We got the panels set up without incident, although the wind picked up, it started to rain, and I even saw a flash or two of lightening. Nothing too terrible, though, and the tent is very sturdy, plus being staked into the ground. I only brought seven of my panels instead of the usual ten, so there was a little bit of rearranging necessary to get everything where it needed to go.
They asked that we not use floor coverings–and who needs them with that lush grass to carpet the ground! Sure will be nicer standing on that grass all day instead of hard asphalt.
The show starts today and runs from 10-6 in the Old Mill District in Bend, OR. Saturday is 10-6 too and Sunday is 10-4. Based on what I saw while people were setting up the show, the art is very high quality, so if you’re in the area, I hope you’ll make plans to stop by! I’m in Booth 27.
Hopefully I’ll have some more pictures to share tomorrow.