The Downtown Art Festival is this weekend–Saturday, Nov. 16 and Sunday, Nov. 17– in Gainesville, FL. Hours are 10 AM – 5 PM both days.
This is my second year doing this show and I’m really excited about it! Gainesville is where I grew up, so I’ve been down here for the last few days visiting with family and getting ready for the show. It’s not too hot, so it should be a good weekend to get out and see some art–maybe get a head start on your holiday shopping, or find something special just for yourself.
Rock Houses, at left, is an example of my new small wall pieces that are mounted on painted black canvas. This one is 16″ x 20″ and I have some new ones that are 12″x12″ and some that are 8″x10″–they’re just the right size to add some color and warmth to a small space in your home or office.
Click here to read a nice article in the local paper about the show–now in it’s 32nd year. There are 250 artists participating–from painters to photographers, jewelers to potters, glassmakers to wood carvers.
I’m in Booth 127 on East University Ave. between 1st St. and Main, and I’d love to see you if you’re in the area and have a chance to stop by!