We’re all set up and ready to go at the Morven in May show in Princeton, NJ this weekend!
Setup day yesterday was a bit of a challenge in the pouring rain. I was fortunate to get there early enough that I just had to unload in a drizzle instead of a downpour. The show is set up in one large party tent on the grounds of the Morven Musuem, so we didn’t have to set up individual tents–thank goodness–and once we were unloaded we were dry inside.
I had some unique challenges yesterday because I made a rookie mistake and forgot my lights at home. It’s a really sinking feeling when you can picture exactly where you left them, and they’re hundreds of miles away. It’s tough to see the work inside a large tent without lights. So an early trip to Home Depot was in order! I did manage to remember my lighting tracks, so all I needed was the light housings to attach to them. The staff at the Home Depot in Princeton were amazingly helpful and I had what I needed in no time at all. Then another artist I’m friends with at the show offered to let me borrow a couple of her lights for spots and I was all set.
I didn’t realize I was going to be on a corner, so my booth is arranged differently than it usually is and it’s tough to get a good shot of the whole setup. Willingness to be flexible and improvise is an important trait in a traveling show artist!
Last night was a ticketed preview party, and in spite of some glitches with the generators and losing power at the beginning, it was a lovely party and one of my pieces found its new home.

Preview Party at Morven in May 2017
We are open today from 10-5 and tomorrow from 10-4 on the grounds of the Morven Museum located at 55 Stockton St. in Princeton. I’m honored to be among 37 top quality artists from around the country, many of whom have won prestigious awards and have work in well known museums and galleries. It’s well worth a trip if you’re in the area!
And if you find yourself in the Washington DC Metro area later this month, I’ll be exhibiting at the Bethesda Fine Arts Festival May 13-14 and the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival May 20-21.