My new quilt Butterfly Wings is on exhibit at the Fiberworks Studio14 Gallery at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, VA until September 3, 2018. And I’ll be there giving a demo on free motion stitching in the gallery this Saturday, July 21, from 1:30 – 2 PM.
This is an appropriate demo, since the stitching on Butterfly Wings is pretty intense!
Here’s a detail shot:
I’ve been away for the last few weeks, so studiomate Annemarie Feld was kind enough to take a photo for me to share. My quilt is part of a “Big+Small” show on the back wall of the gallery. The small pieces will be added in August.
Also included in the photo above is a large shawl by Heasoon Rhee on the left, a shawl by Zita Simutis on the mannikin in the center, and a large leather handbag by Annemarie.
Also, I have two small quilts in the Tabletop exhibit at the Art League gallery just across the hall until August 5! It’s a big month for me at the Torpedo Factory.
If you’re in the DC Metro area, I hope you’ll have a chance to stop by and see these exhibits. The Torpedo Factory is a great place to take out of town guests–three floors of artist studios on the Old Town Alexandria waterfront located at 105 N. Union St. Hours are 10 AM – 6 PM every day, and admission is free.