I’ve been collecting my thoughts for a few days about the whirlwind that was QuiltCon 2024 in Raleigh, NC. QuiltCon is my favorite quilt show–there’s so much energy and excitement, the quilts are spectacular, and it’s such fun to see so many artists and makers there.
I was only able to go to QuiltCon last year for one day, and I was determined to make up for lost time this year! I signed up to go Wednesday night through Monday morning so I didn’t miss anything.
It was an amazing experience. I bought a lecture pass so I could see any of the lectures I wanted to–my favorites were the first one–David Owen Hastings and Teresa Dureya Wong presenting 10 exciting international artists, and the last one–artist and fabric designer e bond talking about her process to create my current favorite fabric lines!
I unexpectedly gave a lecture myself. My friend Sarah Bond wasn’t able to be at QuiltCon, so I was asked to substitute for her with a new lecture on color. Many thanks to Elizabeth Berger for the photo.
I had one quilt in the show–in the Maximalism exhibit. Many thanks to Heather Pregger for the photo. Full Wild was a fun exercise in using prints and solids together. Each block was cut freehand out of one of e bond’s fabulous prints from her Root line, plus three coordinating shot cotton solids from Oakshott Cottons. The result was wildly colorful due to the variety of fabrics, yet oddly soothing due to the single block composition.
I didn’t take any classes–I haven’t done that at QuiltCon for a while–so I had time to visit the show multiple times. With over 600 quilts, its easy to miss some. The Maximalism exhibit was one of my favorite sections, and not just because that’s where my quilt was hanging.
As a teacher, I was so proud of three of our students from the class I team taught with Maria Shell and Sarah Bond at Madeline Island last September for having their class quilts accepted at QuiltCon!
And I’m excited to announce that we will be teaching together again at Madeline Island at the end of September 2025! The class is called Medallion Madness and you can get more information at https://www.madelineartschool.com/shop/instructors/quilting-instructors/sarah-bond/piecing-perspectives-medallion-madness-3/
One of the best things about QuiltCon is hanging out with friends that I might not see at other times of the year, as well as running into friends old and new as I walk the show. The first image below is of three pairs of boots worn by Maria Shell, Kerri Green and me after a long day walking the show. And the second is a group of us at the AirBnB we rented hanging out in the evening.
Here are a few quilts that I especially liked, in no particular order:
I love the shapes and colors of this one by my friend Heather.
I met Paola in person in 2022 at my solo show in France, but we’d been online friends for several years. The use of value to create excitement in this one is mesmerizing. It was good to see her again.
This is an important statement in my opinion, plus I really liked the use of color and value to make the words stand out.
Simple, but stunning–I’m always interested in different ways to use curved shapes.
UPDATE: my original post accidentally misattributed this quilt to someone else. My apologies to both makers!
Karen’s use of color in this piece made my heart sing!
I’ve followed Jennifer for some time and it was great to see her work in person. It’s huge and has such visual impact. The judges apparently agreed and awarded her First Place in the Improvisational category.
Finally, I had fun doing a book signing in the C&T Publishing booth on the Saturday! Thanks to Gailen Runge for the photo.
I was inspired, energized and exhausted all at once when QuiltCon was over—but already looking forward to next year in Phoenix.
Hi Cindy
Great Post. You visited one of my guilds, Ninigret in RI.
Thanks for including my Pie Quilt.
I didn’t, however, make the quilt “Glisen” for which you gave me credit. It is a great quilt and I really liek the color and composition of it.
Thank you Barb–I’ve fixed the post and corrected the attribution for Glisten to Judy Chaffee, where it belongs! My apologies for the error.
Thank you for a delightful overview which I really enjoyed. Quilt Con is on my bucket list and I love seeing those quilts that come to AQC in Melbourne each year. I always am excited to see your newsletter as it gives me inspiration for shapes and blocks to use in my quilts but I always use negative space rather than an overall design.
Thank you Jean–I appreciate that!
Your quilt along with the others you shared are absolutely wonderful. They put a smile and a look of awe on my face. Such creative people. I love the bold colors that were used. I took a class with you during Covid via zoom with my quilt guild. It continues to be one of my favorite that I have taken over the years. I am ready to do another improve quilt using the skills you taught. Thanks for sharing your skills and knowledge.
Thank you for your kind words, Marti–I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and the COVID class you took with me. Have fun with Improv!
Cindy, I love reading your blog, but for some reason, I cannot x-out of the window asking me to sign up for the newsletter. I’m already signed up! Anyway, it hides a lot of the screen. Has anyone else mentioned this glitch? Maybe it’s just on the iPad platform. My iPhone does not have that issue.🤷🏻
Thank you Becky. I’m aware of the problem and have contacted Mailchimp to try and get it fixed. What seems to be happening for some people is the X box to opt out of the newsletter signup jumps from the upper right to the upper left of the box and you need to click on the second X to make it go away.
I hope to have it fixed soon! Thanks for letting me know.