I’m excited to announce I’ve been accepted at the Downtown Art Festival in October in Gainesville, FL. This is the town where I grew up, so it’s really going to be fun, I think.
This show is recognized as one of the top art festivals in the country, so I was a little uncertain about applying, but I’m glad I did! Gainesville has a wonderful downtown area and this show is celebrating its 31st year in 2012. There are going to be 250 local and national artists for the event, which runs from 10 AM – 5 PM on Saturday, October 13 and Sunday, October 14.
Click on the link above for more information about the show. I’m going back to the studio to start some new work!
On another note, I’m pleased that the Great Falls Connection newspaper published a nice writeup of my show, “Improvisations in Color,” up at the Great Falls library through June 30. The library is located at 9830 Georgetown Pike in Great Falls and is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10 -6, Tuesday and Thursday 1-9 and Saturday from 10-5. Stop by and see it if you’re in the area!
I am so looking forward to having you home and to attend one of your shows. I am one proud MAMA!