It’s that time again–the fall shows are coming up fast!
So naturally I’m in the studio working on my inventory. Today was journal covers–these are fabric covered holders for regular black and white composition books like you used in school. They’re great for well, journals, or you can use them to keep track of notes and lists like I do. Kids love them for all kinds of things too, like assignment notebooks or diaries. And they make great gifts.
I’ve found that the process works best for me if I spend creative time coming up with the designs for the tops all at once, rather than making each cover from start to finish. Often the design for one cover will lead to an idea for another, and another–and I like to take advantage of those creative surges.That’s why you see some raw edges in the photo.
Later on, I’ll take the tops and add the backing and the sleeves to hold the composition book in place.
It’s fun to experiment with different color combinations and patterns.
Mark your calendars for my next show, the Downtown Art Festival in Gainesville, FL on Oct. 13-14. I’m really looking forward to this one, because it takes place in my home town.
Then I’ll be doing the Great Falls Studios Ninth Annual Studio Tour the following weekend, Oct. 20-21. If you click on the link to go to the GFS website, you’ll be able to download a brochure of the participating artists and a map to plan your visit. Also, you can register to win one of forty $50 gift certificates that will be good to purchase art during the tour. If you’ve visited my studio before, please take note that this year I’ll be in the Artist’s Atelier sharing space with fellow artist Jennifer Duncan--1144 Walker Road, Suite G, Great Falls. It’s going to be fun!
Plus there will be more shows in November and December. It’s a busy time.