A Little Something Different – Pillows
I’m working on a new project this week that’s a little different from my usual routine–a commission for 20 quilted pillows to be used in the guest rooms at a lodge in Vermont. A couple of years ago I made about 75 pillows for them, and they contacted me again last month for more to…
What I’m Working On
Pillows! At right are five of the twenty pillow tops I’m working on this week. They’ll be shipped to the Craftsbury Outdoor Center next week to add a touch of color to the rooms in the lodge there. I’ve made pillows for them before, so with this shipment, hopefully there will be Cindy Grisdela pillows…
Ann Arbor Art Fair Coming Up Next Week!
The Ann Arbor Art Fair is almost here! Next week the streets of town will be filled to brim with art, artists and art lovers. The show runs from Wednesday, July 16 through Saturday, July 19. Hours are 10 AM – 9 PM Wednesday-Friday and 10 AM – 6 PM Saturday. Although I’ve been in…
Where did the Week Go, and Fun with Pillow Commissions
Last week just flew by before I even realized it! I drove home from the fabulous Old Town Art Fair in Chicago on Monday–it was my first time doing the show and it was a lot of fun. The Old Town neighborhood is easily one of the most beautiful settings I’ve ever done a…
Gift Idea – New “Inside Out” Eyeglass Cases
I’ve been busy in the studio getting ready for my next two shows. I always like to have something “new” so I came up with these neat eyeglass cases. I call them “inside out” because initially I was going to make them with the patterned side out, but when I made the first one using…
Back in the Studio After A Successful Boutique!
I’m back in the studio today after a successful Great Falls Studios Artist Boutique at Artspace Herndon. I enjoyed seeing some of you and meeting some new friends as well! I’m participating in three shows in the next four weeks, plus there’s Thanksgiving to prepare, so it’s time to get busy. On the sewing table…
More Journal Covers in Process – and a Start on a New Piece
I’m still working away at the journal cover tops–I’m up to 14 now! I can see possibly I need some more in the autumn color range. It’s a little like eating potato chips, you can’t stop with just one–I still have quite a few ideas for new covers. Which is a good thing! While I…
Journal Covers in Process
It’s that time again–the fall shows are coming up fast! So naturally I’m in the studio working on my inventory. Today was journal covers–these are fabric covered holders for regular black and white composition books like you used in school. They’re great for well, journals, or you can use them to keep track of notes…