“Playing With Crayons” Published in “Quilt Scene” Magazine!
I’m delighted to announce that my wall quilt “Playing with Crayons” has been published in the International Quilt Festival: Quilt Scene magazine by Interweave Press! I just received my copy of the magazine and it’s beautiful. My quilt is one of about 16 projects in the issue, which will be on the stands until the…
Another New Way to Display Art Quilts
Here’s another new way to display an art quilt–as a cover for a flat screen TV. I can’t take credit for this great idea. My client came up with it and commissioned me to make this piece with a special sleeve to go over his TV when it’s not in use. Why didn’t I think…
Lecture at Textile Museum Saturday July 24
I’m pleased to announce I’ll be the guest speaker at the Textile Museum’s Rug and Textile Appreciation morning this Saturday, July 24, 2010 from 10:30 AM-12 PM. I’ll bring lots of quilts to show and talk about how I use color and fabric to create eye-catching designs, like Playing With Crayons at right. I always…
Expand – It’s a New Year
I’ve been spending a good bit of time the last several days thinking about the new year and what I want to accomplish in 2010. I’m not big on resolutions, but I’ve been intrigued by blogs by Lisa Call and others that talk about choosing a word for the year (www.blog.lisacall.com). So I’ve decided that…
“Cosmos” Finished in Time for Studio Tour
I finished “Cosmos” last Saturday right before the Artfest and I will have it on display at the Great Falls Studios Studio Tour next weekend, Oct. 17-18. It really does hang straight–this is not a professional photograph, but I wanted to share! This piece grew out of my “Playing with Colors” series. I used the…
“Cosmos” in Process
I’ve been working on “Cosmos” most of the summer and it’s finally pieced! This is the newest piece in my “Playing with Colors” series and I expect to have it finished in time for the MPArtfest on Oct. 4. You can see the others in the series “Playing with Crayons” and “Playing with Colors” on…
Acceptance at Paducah!
I’m really excited to announce that “Playing with Colors” has been juried into the 25th Anniversary American Quilter’s Society Show in Paducah, KY. This was the first time I entered the show and it was wonderful to get a fat envelope in the mail on Saturday. I’ve never been to Paducah and I’m thinking about…