“Tree of Life” Commission Revealed
I’m finally getting time to tell the story of the “Tree of Life” commission that I’ve been working on for over six months. So here goes. Last June I got an email from a rabbi in Reston, VA inquiring about the possibility of commissioning an artistic table cover for his congregation’s Torah table. He had…
What I’m Working On
Pillows! At right are five of the twenty pillow tops I’m working on this week. They’ll be shipped to the Craftsbury Outdoor Center next week to add a touch of color to the rooms in the lodge there. I’ve made pillows for them before, so with this shipment, hopefully there will be Cindy Grisdela pillows…
Where did the Week Go, and Fun with Pillow Commissions
Last week just flew by before I even realized it! I drove home from the fabulous Old Town Art Fair in Chicago on Monday–it was my first time doing the show and it was a lot of fun. The Old Town neighborhood is easily one of the most beautiful settings I’ve ever done a…
Getting Ready for Bend
It’s been a hectic few days getting ready to go to Bend, Oregon for the Art in the High Desert show this weekend! If you’re on Facebook, be sure and check out their page — just scroll down the photos to see the amazing work that will be shown there Friday – Sunday, August 23-25. I’m…
“Intuition II” in its new home!
I got a surprise in my inbox the other day–this picture of “Intuition II” in its new home! I was commissioned to create this piece earlier this year and sent it off to its happy new owner. What a treat to see it again in such a lovely space! Because my work is improvisational in…
Snow Day!
Our first snow day of the winter today. I grew up in Florida, so I really appreciate the down time that a snow day creates in my routine. It’s different this year, though, because both boys are away at college, so my husband and I had to shovel the long drive by ourselves! We went…
Art Quilt as Window Covering
At right is “Twilight Sky,” the commission piece I just recently finished and delivered to the client. It’s a skinny horizontal piece, about 26″h x 56″w and the couple commissioned me to make it to hang over a high narrow window in their home. This is the first time I’ve made a quilt to double…