I’m back from a string of shows and my studio definitely needs some attention!
I’m fortunate to have a nice view of the lake where we live from my home studio. But when I’m in the middle of getting ready for shows, I tend to pull out what I need and then not put it back. So the baskets where I store my fabrics are overflowing, and you can’t even see the surfaces of my cutting table on the left and ironing station on the right.
So that’s my next project–put everything away where it belongs, find the cutting table and the ironing board so I can start creating again!
I had several pieces go to new homes over the last few weeks–Green Totem II now lives on the Oregon Coast, Terracotta in Chicago, Another Playground and Cascades in Virginia, and Indigo Court in Florida, plus others that I unfortunately don’t have good photos of. Thank you to all!
I have updated my website with new images and enabled a PayPal shopping cart on those that are available. If you’re looking for a special gift, there are still a few days left. I can ship until Saturday, December 19, 2015.
Happy Holidays to each and every one–however you celebrate!
Looks like my studio and I don’t have the excuse of having been away at shows. Oh the guilt! Congratulations on the sales and have a great holiday
What a beautiful view you have from your studio window! You must love seeing that as you sit at your machine. I can sure relate to the studio mess this time of year. i’ve actually been using the kitchen table, and even THAT hasn’t seen the light of day in months. Your work is beautiful, as usual, and I’m glad that a lot has found new homes to brighten.
Oh, how disappointing…. I was expecting a REAL mess, something that would make me feel better. This just needs a bit of straightening and you will be fine. sigh….
🙂 🙂 🙂