All Set at the One of A Kind Show in Chicago!
I’m all set up for the One of A Kind Show this weekend! The show starts tomorrow–Thursday, December 1 and runs through Sunday, December 4. I’m in my usual booth–#3063. I always enjoy setup days–even though they are usually long and tiring. It’s fun to hear the hammering and clanging as the booths take shape.…
Ready to go at One of A Kind!
I’m all set up and ready to go at the One of A Kind show in Chicago! As you can see, this is a different kind of a booth than I usually have. This show is held in a showroom setting in the Merchandise Mart in downtown Chicago, and each artist is provided with hard…
Show Season is Over for 2014 – Great Weekend in Chicago!
Hard to believe that my show season is over for 2014! I did twelve shows this year–more than I’ve ever done in the past–and it was a great year to meet new people and share my work with new audiences. The One of A Kind Show in Chicago was my last show of the year…
Made it to Chicago!
I made it to Chicago yesterday for the One of A Kind Show and Sale that starts today. It was an interesting travel day–my flight was delayed leaving DC and I was already cutting it close. I had all my work in two large suitcases that weighed just under 50 pounds each, plus a small…